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Export used car


Our company has dealt with exporting of second-hand automobiles since 1992, boasting one of the biggest volumes in West Japan. With Sakai Kita Izumi harbor of Osaka or Rokko Island as our operational hubs which are equipped with a variety of stocking yards tailored for automobiles, we will help you export second-hand automobiles to the world with one-stop services from carry-in, storage, customs to embarkation. Picking up automobiles at the auction cite, applications to export inspection, or application to marine insurances are also available.

Dealt: complete cars, small-sized construction tools or machines, motorbikes, small-sized ships



Operation of ships dedicated to automobiles

When your automobiles are exported with our ships dedicated to automobiles that embark from our branches of Sakai Kita Izumi harbor of Osaka or Rokko Island, related shipping documents, customs, yards, or delivery of your automobiles at the destination after arrival, or carry-in to the main ship are also provided as one-stop services. Export inspections by the destination can be handled, too. Repairing services are partially available.


Operation of container ships

If the ships dedicated for automobiles cannot be harbored at the destination, container ships will be used instead to export. Our yards have container-vanning facilities and can load your automobiles into containers after customs clearing. Our company will use quality technologies and know-hows to embark for cargos not to collapse during transportation by see with container ships. After vanning, we will transport to the departing harbor by land.


Services to carry-in to yards

In case you purchase a car to export at an auction, our company will go receive the car at the auction venue to send it to the yard by land.


Other services

You may apply for marine insurances with one of the insurance companies affiliated with us; our company will do the necessary applications, too


For more information.
